NovSafeMa Study visit at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
The first SafeMa study visit was hosted by the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) from 14 to 16 November 2019 in Athens, Greece. The objective of the study visit was to introduce participants in clinical learning and Familiarize them with experiential learning principles and techniques in midwifery training. In this way, the visit is expected to contribute to the development of SafeMa curriculum, that will be delivered in Vietnam and Cambodia.
The Study Visit discussed the SafeMa analysis of skill shortages in the target countries and the subsequent educational needs. An interesting skype meeting with Dr. Elias Kweyamba from the Tanzanian Training Centre for International health (TTCIH), Ifakara examined how training programmes respond to identified needs in low income countries.
Particular focus was paid on the SafeMa courses to be taught and on the methodology to be applied, combining theoretical modules in clinical practice decision and evidence-based practice as well as on organizational challenges. The visit also considered specific issues that are important to the SafeMa curriculum development, namely the creation of Massive Online Open Courses (MOOC) on midwifery and the challenges of an Educational curriculum for basis life support and prehospital care.
Study visit participants witnessed the operation of the maternity and gynecology health facilities in university general hospital, Attiko and the International certification program in obstetric emergencies and had a meeting with WHO Athens office team. In addition, Advanced Midwifery Practice postgraduate programmes in low income countries as well as the Advanced Midwifery Practice postgraduate programme implemented by the University of West Attica, Greece were presented.
- 22/11/2019
- Events